Daily Archives: April 11, 2011

The library renovation is underway!

As reported on the campus UMDNotify listserv – April 11, 2011:

The library renovation is underway!  In order to prepare for the renovation
and expansion, we need to move some things around.  Furniture will be moved
to provide space for more books on the 1st floor.   Some tables and chairs
will be removed from the lower level to provide a staging area for the book
movers.  The computer labs will remain open for business.  Activity in the
lower level and at the loading dock will increase.  This will become a very
high traffic area for a few weeks.

The library collections move will start on Tuesday April 12.  There will be
activity on all levels of the building and at the law school.  There will be
some disruption to normal traffic flow and elevator use.  A core collection
of books will be relocated to the first and second floors. Another
collection of books will be moved to the law library (mainly call numbers
starting with HV, J and K).  Other books will be moved to off site storage.
The journal collection will remain on the 3rd floor until later in the year.

We understand that there will be some disruption and inconvenience but the
end result will be well worth it.  The new and renovated library will be

If you have any question or concerns, please contact Peter Geldmacher
(pgeldmacher@umassd.edu) ext. 8938 or Catherine Fortier-Barnes
(cfortier@umassd.edu) ext. 8665.