Sharing library group study tables without the awkward interactions

Just Turn It Over: New Library Open/Taken Study Table SignsWelcome back! You will notice these new signs on the 3rd and 5th floors on all the group study tables.

In our last library survey many of you told us that often large group study tables were difficult to find open and sometimes there would only be one person sitting at the table. Large multi-person tables are not meant for solitary study, and should not be “reserved” by a single person, but it still can make for an awkward situation to ask the person if you can join them. So to make this easier we are piloting a new system that should make this type of interaction less uncomfortable for all involved. If you are by yourself at a table, please turn the sign to say “Open” unless you are expecting more team/group members to join you, then turn it to “Taken.” If you leave the table, please make sure to turn the sign to “Open” again. But if there is a table with a “Taken” sign and no one there, consider it open. Most likely, someone forgot to turn it back. 🙂

Please let us know how this is working for you, so we would love your feedback!