Monthly Archives: November 2008

Celebrating Our Archival Lifelines: Ryan Cooper will speak about his correspondence with Otto Frank

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Library Browsing Area

UMass Dartmouth Claire T. Carney Library Associates present Ryan Cooper as part of the Celebrating Our Archival Lifelines series.

Ryan Cooper will speak about his correspondence with Otto Frank. At the age of 27 he forged a relationship with Otto Frank, Anne Frank’s father. In 1973 Ryan Cooper first met Otto Frank, then 84 and living in Basel Switzerland.

The presentation is from 6 – 8 p.m. in the Library Browsing Area. There will be a tour of the new library archives space on the ground floor followed by a talk in the library browsing area.

Parking in lot 13.

Ticket information 508 999-8671

For the full press release:

Is philosophy humor or is humor simply philosophical? – Faculty Senate/Claire T. Carney Library Brown Bag Lecture Series – Nov. 19th

Is philosophy humor or is humor simply philosophical?

Presenter: Dr. Phil Cox, Department of Philosophy
Date: Wednesday, November 19th
Time: noon – 1:00
Location: Library Browsing Area

Faculty Senate/Claire T. Carney Library Brown Bag Lecture Series:

Or maybe philosophy is just funny? Since the success of the Cathcart and
Stern books mixing philosophy and comedy, there is a new interest in the
relationship between these two concepts. With some tongue-in-cheek
attempts, an overview of the two and their intertwinnings will be

Online Library Tutorials: Information Literacy Instruction Anywhere & Anytime

Library TutorialOnline Library Tutorials: Information Literacy Instruction Anywhere & Anytime

Date: Wednesday, November 12th

Time: Noon

Location: Dion 109

Come hear Professor Elizabeth Lehr and Librarian Matt Sylvain discuss what they have learned from the pilot launch of four library tutorials.  Librarians and CITS’s Instructional Development Team collaborated to create re-usable online library tutorials.   Elizabeth Lehr and Matt Sylvain will describe how the tutorials were used and offer best practices for effective use of the tutorials, which will be released campus-wide for the spring semester.

Refreshments will be served.