Information Literacy Minute Movies
The UMassD Claire T. Carney Library has begun a project to create several information literacy minute movies. Information literacy skills cannot be learned in one visit to the library, and ideally should be applied to all information needs, and not just a final research paper. Our minute movies can bring reinforcement throughout the semester to returning students and introduce the resources to freshmen who may not attend a library session until the end of the semester. We have started with three movies that feature different librarians in interesting scenarios. Each one is only about a minute or two. We don’t want to stop there. What would really make this an exciting project, especially to students, would be to have the next movies star faculty, staff, administration, and students. Do you have an idea for an information literacy minute? Don’t have an idea yet, but want to participate? Feedback on any or all of the minute movies? We would love to talk to you. Please contact us about ideas or if you might be interested in participating. Contact Kari Mofford at or 508-999-8865.
View the first Library MinuteVideos here: