Damaris Berner rolled her last cart of newly cataloged books out of her office last Tuesday, completing her story at UMassD and beginning the next chapter of her life. During her time here, Damaris helped move the library forward in many ways, including creating metadata for a wide array of print and electronic resources and through her collaborative work on projects throughout the library. Most recently she served as a key team member on several vital library projects such as the merger of the UMass Law School Library collection into the Claire T. Carney Library‘s integrated library system, the library renovation collection relocation project and her efforts as a core member of the team that implemented library’s next generation Alma Unified Resource Management system and the Primo discovery and delivery system. And we’d be remiss if we didn’t note her remarkable efforts in support of the Claire T. Carney Library Associates. From books to eBooks to born digital objects Damaris endeavored to make the library’s resources findable and retrievable to all students, researchers and readers alike. She will be missed by all!