Daily Archives: April 10, 2014

Join the library in celebrating National Poetry Month. Find the Poem Boards on the 2nd Floor Walkway and Post Your Own Favorite!

Join the library in celebrating National Poetry Month!

Picture of Nation Poetry Month Board with Poems Tacked On It
Look for the poem boards on 2nd Floor walkway across from Library 206 in the midst of the Richard and Cecila Ward Poetry Collection.

Read what your friends and classmates may have put up there. And don’t forget to bring your own favorite to hang up!








Here’s one of our favorites …

The Libraries Didn’t Burn by Elaine Equi

despite books kindled in electronic flames.

The locket of bookish love

still opens and shuts.

But its words have migrated

to a luminous elsewhere.

Neither completely oral nor written —

a somewhere in between.

Then will oak, willow,

birch, and olive poets return

to their digital tribes —

trees wander back to the forest?

National Poetry Month is a celebration of poetry first introduced in 1996 by the Academy of American Poets as a way to increase awareness and appreciation of poetry in the United States.