“Teaching Across Difference” – The New England Library Instruction Group’s Annual Meeting Is Being Held at UMass Dartmouth on June 6th

NELIG Logo and Picture of Registration Desk @ UMassD

Teaching Across Difference is the theme for this year’s New England Library Instruction Group (NELIG) annual meeting being held at UMass Dartmouth. The program for this year’s meeting was inspired by keynote speaker, Yu-Hui Chen and the article she co-authored with Mary K. Van Ullen, “Helping International Students Succeed Academically through Research Process and Plagiarism Workshops”.

The program as described on the NELIG web site says:

We will share and explore how instruction librarians negotiate the many differences we encounter in our work, be they one-on-one, collaborative or in the classroom. For example, do you have a technique for dealing with a particular difference in your library instruction sessions? How do you incorporate your own differences into teaching information literacy skills to students? What collaborative partnerships have you developed on your campus to accommodate difference into your information literacy program?

Presentations will address differences of:

English Language Proficiency
Location (Distance/Online)
Educational Background (ex: first generation, public/private, adult)
Learning Style

See https://nelig.acrlnec.org/content/nelig-annual-program-june-6-2014 for full program and agenda.