YouTube Channel for UMass Dartmouth Library Services

UMass Dartmouth Library YouTube Channel

You do research in all kinds of places—work, school, home, coffee shops—and at all times of the day, including late at night. Wouldn’t it be great if you could get help wherever and whenever you needed it?

Now you can! The UMass Dartmouth Library recently launched a YouTube channel chock-full of short videos to help you with common research questions. No librarian on duty at 2am? No problem!

The Library’s playlists include:

Locating or Requesting Full-Text Articles: Did you find a citation you like but can’t figure out how to get the article? This playlist will show you how to get from citation to full-text article.

EBSCO Databases: Most videos are a minute or less, and cover topics like limiting and sorting search results, emailing articles, and getting article citations. These are applicable in dozens of databases, including Business Source Complete, CINAHL, Criminal Justice Abstracts, MLA International Bibliography, PsycINFO, and SocINDEX.

There are also videos geared toward those studying specific disciplines, like nursing and psychology. More videos will be added throughout the year, so be sure to subscribe to the Library’s YouTube channel!