Monthly Archives: March 2024

Announcing the Publication of PLCS 40-41: Viver e escrever em trânsito entre Angola e Portugal: Entrevistas e ensaios

We are pleased to announce that Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies (PLCS) 40-41, “Viver e escrever em trânsito entre Angola e Portugal: Entrevistas e ensaios,” is now available! You can find this issue as well as all back issues available for free on the journal’s website.

PLCS 40/41 tem como foco a experiência pessoal e a produção literária de escritores e escritoras cujas vidas têm transitado de diferentes maneiras e em diferentes épocas entre Angola e Portugal. O grupo destas pessoas dificilmente pode ser abrangido com um único termo, como migrantes, refugiados/as, africanos/as da diáspora, afrodescendentes, afropeus, afropolitanos etc. Optou-se, neste projeto, pelo termo “pessoas em trânsito” com o intuito de abordar as mais diversas experiências migratórias entre Angola e Portugal e as suas repercussões na literatura. Este número inclui, por um lado, a transcrição de seis entrevistas – a Ana Paula Tavares, Aida Gomes, Kalaf Epalanga, Raquel Lima, Yara Monteiro e Zetho Cunha Gonçalves – originalmente gravadas para o documentário Viver e escrever em trânsito: entre Angola e Portugal  (2021). Por outro lado, inclui ensaios teóricos e estudos sobre obras dos/as entrevistados/as bem como de outra escritora em trânsito entre Angola e Portugal, Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida.

The Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture’s Tagus Press publishes its electronic version of PLCS on the library’s journal hosting platform.

The Passing of Claire T. Carney

We were saddened to learn about the passing of Claire T. Carney. She was a kind and generous woman whose commitment to life long learning is memorialized in the name of the UMass Dartmouth library.

All library staff who had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Carney have had wonderful things to say about her. We are honored to work in a building named after such a remarkable woman.

Learn more about Mrs. Carney:
Oral history interview with Claire T. Carney with Dr. Fred Griffin (2006)
The Library’s webpage about Mrs. Carney taken from the Blue & Gold Gala program(October 14, 2006)

Obituary, Claire T. Carney

Open Education Events This Week

Every year, in the month of March, there is a week-long global recognition of the importance of Open Education. Its goal is to raise awareness about the impact of open education on teaching and learning worldwide. Open Education Global promotes events on an international scale to increase knowledge of Open Educational Resources (OER) and other topics within Open Education. Hopefully you will have a chance to participate in some of these opportunities, and you may consider the following events offered by Massachusetts state colleges and universities, including a panel to be held here at UMass Dartmouth.