During Open Education Week (March 4th – 8th) there are numerous opportunities to increase your knowledge of the exemplary Open Education work happening worldwide. Open Education is a way of sharing educational tools, resources, and practices without access barriers such as high financial costs or requisite credentials and affiliations. It is a philosophy surrounding readily available teaching materials and creating a strong community of support between educators.
A stipend program was established last year at UMass Dartmouth to fund the creation of openly licensed textbooks by members of our faculty. A virtual panel will be offered on March 6th by the Scholarly Communications Committee to showcase the textbooks that resulted from this program. The textbook projects are E-Commerce and E-Business by Shouhong Wang, A Guide to Analyzing Arguments in an Academic Setting by Jackie O’Dell, Joshua Botvin, and Yuan Zhang, and Women’s & Gender Studies by Catherine Gardner. Each author will give an overview of the book they created. All 3 books are freely available online through OER Commons, an online repository of openly licensed teaching material. This panel will also include a demo of OER Commons by Repository Coordinator Rachel Oleaga.
Register to reserve your spot!