Tag Archives: Library Databases

UPDATE: EBSCOhost Database User Interface Upgrades Coming in July 2025

EBSCO will be upgrading their database user interfaces in 2025! The rollout of this new interface at UMass Dartmouth has been pushed back to July 31, 2025.

EBSCOhost has been redesigned based on user testing and feedback to improve usability and accessibility. The new interface will be less “busy,” with filters located in pop-up menus instead of automatically visible side panes, and it will include new features such as dashboards for saved articles and searches and added options for citing and sharing sources. EBSCO hopes to provide a productive and intuitive research experience with this new design.

For more information, check out the Introduction to the New EBSCOhost Tutorial or contact a librarian.

Screenshot of new EBSCO search interface
Screenshot of new EBSCO results interface

EBSCOhost Database User Interface Upgrades Coming in January 2025!

*12/2024 Edit: the new launch date for the updated EBSCOhost interface at UMass Dartmouth is July 31, 2025.

EBSCO will be upgrading their database user interfaces on January 7, 2025. EBSCOhost has been redesigned based on user testing and feedback to improve usability and accessibility. The new interface will be less “busy,” with filters located in pop-up menus instead of automatically visible side panes, and it will include new features such as dashboards for saved articles and searches and added options for citing and sharing sources. EBSCO hopes to provide a productive and intuitive research experience with this new design.

For more information, check out the Introduction to the New EBSCOhost Tutorial or contact a librarian.

Screenshot of new EBSCO search interface
Screenshot of new EBSCO results interface

APA PsycTests Database Trial

A trial of the database APA PsycTests® is now available through our library, enabling users to search thousands of research instruments and their psychometric properties.

There are more than 62,000 records in APA PsycTests. Searchers can limit by descriptive fields, including Methodology, Test Language and Factors/Subscales and find research instruments available as PDF downloads or multimedia files.

This trial will be available through June 30, 2024 and is accessible through our A-Z Databases List.

Please let us know what you think of this resource by contacting our Electronic Resources Librarian.

STEM Electronic Resource Trials

The Claire T. Carney Library has initiated trial access to three STEM-focused electronic resources during the Fall semester. Access to these resources is provided through the library’s A-Z databases list. We encourage the campus community to explore these resources and provide feedback using our online form or by contacting a reference librarian. If you have questions or access problems, please contact our Electronic Resources Librarian, Sara Pike at spike1@umassd.edu

Visible Body (October 1-31) 

A complete set of visual and interactive reference and learning content for anatomy, physiology and life sciences. Includes web access to a vast library of 3D models, animations, diagnostic images and bite-sized learning modules as well as flashcards and interactive presentations.” To use Visible Body, individuals will need to create a personal account on the website. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact our Electronic Resources Librarian, Sara Pike.

Inspec (October 1 – November 30) 

Containing almost 16 million records across multidisciplinary and subject specific research including physics, engineering, communications and computing, Inspec is one of the most definitive abstract and indexing databases available. 

Knovel (October 1 – November 30) 

Knovel is an extensive, searchable online library of full-text content from many different publishers, including reference handbooks, conference proceedings and databases. Knovel also provides tools to bring this content into your workflow, with tables and graphs that allow users to manipulate, analyze, and export data—and an extensive unit conversion tool. 

Access Over 2,500 Books Online Through MIT Press Direct to Open

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

The Claire T. Carney Library has joined more than 250 libraries participating in MIT Press’s new Direct to Open initiative. This publishing model will help to fund the publication of nearly 90 open access books per year. Open Access (OA) is a set of practices and principles that allows publications to be shared online without cost to the reader or other access barriers. This effort supports equitable access to scholarly material and enables authors to publish open access without additional fees and regardless of their institutional funding.

As an added benefit for participation, our campus has access to an archive of over 2,500 titles that would otherwise be gated. These titles cover a variety of disciplines such as psychology, artificial intelligence, graphic design, neuroscience, and more. Browse the collection and gain full access to download or read these books online.

Academic Video Online Trial Now Active

The library has activated a trial to the streaming video service “Academic Video Online” through Proquest/Clarivate. This trial will be active until May 31, 2023

Academic Video Online is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary video subscription that supports the entire range of curriculum, from anthropology to zoology. It includes a variety of video material available with curricular relevance: documentaries, interviews, feature films, performances, news programs and newsreels, and demonstrations.

Access the trial through ProQuest Trials.

If you have any questions, contact our Electronic Resources Librarian.

New York Times access now available

Access to the current and historical New York Times (1851-present) is now available through the library from https://www.nytimes.com, no longer through ProQuest. This change provides readers with real-time access to articles and content that was missing from the ProQuest database.

Students, faculty, and staff must register for an account using an @umassd.edu email address. To activate your account, go to www.accessnyt.com and follow the prompts. For full instructions, see this video. Once created, you can also use your account to access content through the NYT app.

If you need assistance or more information, please contact the Electronic Resources Librarian. We are happy to help!

Webinar: The US COVID-19 County Policy Database: A novel resource to support pandemic-related research

Did you know that the Carney Library’s subscription to the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) also provides access to free informational webinars?

Join ICPSR for a webinar with Dr. Rita Hamad, where she will discuss the U.S. COVID-19 County Policy (UCCP) Database, a NIH- and PCORI-funded project. The database aims to systematically gather, characterize, and assess variation in U.S. county-level COVID-19-related policies. The study recognizes that policies have played a critical role in both alleviating and exacerbating the health and economic consequences of the pandemic. While prior research has focused on federal and state policies, there has been limited systematic evaluation of variation in U.S. local (i.e., county) COVID-19-related policies. Dr. Hamad will describe the data collection methods and some preliminary results. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about the UCCP database and its potential impact on COVID-19 research.

Date: March 23, 2023 at 3 p.m. EDT

Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdfNEFWrtHijCt57qA6VBL4YG9LgmerWrJ3mDARTZBfh27NFw/viewform

Questions? Contact our Electronic Resources Librarian.

HeinOnline’s LGBTQ+ Rights Content Expanded

New content from the Williams Institute at UCLA has been added to the LGBTQ+ Rights collection available through the HeinOnline database. This database can be accessed through the A-Z database list on the Carney Library website.

“As the newest addition to HeinOnline’s Social Justice Suite, LGBTQ+ Rights is dedicated to charting the gay rights movement in America, showing the civil rights codified into law in the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as the inequalities that still exist today. Titles in this collection are grouped into subcollections focused on specific areas of society, examining issues from same-sex marriage to employment discrimination, military service, and more. 

A unique interactive piece within this collection is the Timeline charting the American gay rights movement from 1950 up to present day. Pulling in documents from HeinOnline, photographs from the Library of Congress, and YouTube videos, this timeline allows users to both visualize the progression of the gay rights movement as well as how HeinOnline documents connect to this overall historical narrative.” –HeinOnline LGBTQ+ Libguide

Announcing Access to Westlaw Campus Research

Thanks to our colleagues at the Law Library, all students, faculty, and staff now have access to Westlaw Campus Research. This database provides access to all federal and states cases; federal statutes and regulations; news sources; law journals; and business content to include Hoover’s Company Records, SEC filings, and a Company Investigator tool. 

If you have questions about using Westlaw, please contact your librarian liaison or one of the law school librarians.