Daily Archives: September 15, 2015

Library Orientation for Students in Fully-Online Programs — October 6th & 7th

Picture of a librarian interacting with online studentsLibrarians at Claire T. Carney Library are offering an orientation to online library services. Sign up for one of two sessions designed especially for students in online programs. Learn information that all online UMass Dartmouth students need to know in order to take full advantage of the library. The orientation will cover key library services, including how to get books and other physical resources mailed to your home for free, how to register for a library card/university ID, how to access online journals, and how to get research help and technical support. The orientation sessions are scheduled for Tuesday, October 6th  from 6 to 7:00 pm and Wednesday, October 7th from 10 to 11:00 am. Sign-up for the one that best fits your schedule!

The sessions will take approximately one hour and will be conducted using Blackboard Collaborate, an online teaching and learning tool. We will email attendees the link to the Collaborate classroom and directions for accessing it. If you’re interested in attending one of the sessions, please complete the online registration form by Monday, October 5th. If you’re interested in attending but can’t make either session, feel free to contact us. We will work with you to schedule a time that works for you.


Matt Sylvain, Library Online Support Coordinator
Charlie McNeil, Library Systems and Digital Services Librarian

Feedback from previous attendees:

“The support to online learners is amazing. Every student should participate in the online library orientation. I learned so much that I didn’t realize they could help me with.”

“I did not know the magnitude of resources available to me as an online student – I wish I had this orientation earlier.”

“I almost want to recommend that it should be a requirement to attend – that’s how helpful I found it.”

“The important thing to me is that the orientation made me feel that full on-line students are also part of the library and that you care about us…now I have something else to love about UMassD.”

“This was a great experience and all freshman and new students should take this as it is very helpful.”

Claire T. Carney Library Hours – A Memorandum from UMassD Provost Mohammad Karim

UMass Dartmouth


To: Students, Faculty, and Staff

From: Provost Mohammad Karim

Subject: Library Hours

There appears to be significant confusion about the announced operating hours of the Claire T. Carney Library. The current hours are the same as they have been for the past several years at the beginning of the academic year. As new students and professional staff are hired and trained, we fully expect the hours to be expanded, as in past years, by the end of September.

At the same time, we constantly monitor the usage of the library and its services so that we can make adjustments as needed. We also work closely with the Student Government Association’s Committee on the Library and Information Technology and the Graduate Student Senate to address concerns and consider new ideas raised by students.

The Claire T. Carney Library is a remarkable resource for our students, as both a collection of valuable materials and a place to gather around intellectual pursuits. We are fully committed to making the Library as accessible as possible.


Mohammad Karim